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This site uses a feature called RSS to do that. RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication.

What this means is that this site creates a RSS feed and you can read that feed using a RSS reader.
Think email.
Everytime we post information to this site it sends out the information and your reader can get it. Unlike email though you can control what you do and don't get.
Read more information about RSS on SpyJournal Blog Tips.

Once you have a feed reader installed simply copy this link to your reader.

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What people say..

Jethro has provided a magnificent web hosting service for me and handled all the technical aspects of this for me – without which I would be lost.
Jethro was recommended to me after my hosting company closed down their business. As I had numerous sites and not knowing a lot about that end of things it has been a huge help. I can recommend them immensely as they have given me all the help I needed plus more.

— Jeannie Mair - Jm Webdesigns

