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Three simple questions:

  1. Can you measure how much your website is worth to you?
  2. Does it drive sales to your door? Does it bring new members to your organisation?
  3. Are you able to update it yourself?

If the answer to any of those is no then you need a Content Management System Website designed by Jethro.

What is a CMS Website?
A content management system (or CMS) is a tool that allows an organization to make changes to its website without having to work with HTML code.

In the 1990s, many web designers built their business model around designing websites for an organization, and then charging the organization a fee every time the website needed an update.  However, this is just not acceptable today.  Your customers expect your website to be constantly up-to-date.  If it's not, they will be much less likely to do business with you.

The 1990s website approach is a waste of your time and money. In the time it takes you to email your web designer to request a change, you could have made the change yourself using a CMS.  Most web designers who used this outdated business model are now impossible to contact, because they have dozens of clients tying up their phone lines asking for changes, and they simply can't keep up. Or their customers come to us asking for a rebuild with “a site that we can update ourselves!”

A CMS site built by us has these benefits for your business or organisation built in.

  • We only need to design one template, and that is used for the generation of every page. This makes the website considerably smaller and allows pages to be displayed quicker. Site refreshes are as simple as changing the template.
  • Your authorised users can modify content without knowing any HTML. The page structure and other technical information do not get in the way of entering or modifying content. Non technical users can manage complex sites with no technical expertise required.
  • Built in SEO features like connection to Google Analytics, sitemaps, submission to search engines, page titles and meta tags, plain English urls and more
  • Social media integration – share content easily, connect to your business or organisation Facebook and Twitter accounts and more.
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  • Menu Navigation

How can Jethro assist you to develop a CMS based website?
First of all we can be a one stop shop for your website.
We can purchase your domain name for you (if you don’t already have one), supply the DNS Hosting and the web hosting, install and configure the CMS system, develop the templates and graphic logos if required, or incorporate your own graphics, train you in the use of the site and provide written documentation and ongoing follow-up.

Secondly we have experience in building CMS websites and developing online communities, and have built lots of CMS sites. Our staff members are experienced in the CMS System we use ourselves and prefer, Drupal. We also build and support Wordpress and Joomla sites if requested.



Suits most business and uses a standard template (available from a broad selection) with custom work to incorporate your logo and colour scheme.*


Contact us for a detailed quote.

*Terms and Conditions apply

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What people say..

Tim has always been a pleasure to deal with, all my problems are sorted out with minimum fuss.

— Michelle - Salon Owner

