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I have just completed the redevelopment of the Spy Journal Website. From now on all Personal, Excel, Tech and Blog posts previously put on the Spy Journal site will be in the new Drupal site. The web address is still

This site is using Drupal version 5.2.0 This version is now matured enough to be easily installed and configured. In fact it is a lot easier than previous versions with every 3rd party module that I installed that required database modification having a script that worked perfectly.

For all the previous posts check these Spy Journal Archive links:

For the specific pages in Version 2, check these links:

The latest website hosted and developed by Jethro
This is a Drupal website with a custom designed theme.

If you are looking for a content management website, incorporating restricted access to specific logged in users, custom drupal theme development or hands on training then contact us.

Probably the most commonly asked question we receive is "Where does the name Jethro come from?"

Some people try and guess Jethro Tull, or Jethro Clampett (from the Beverley Hillbillies) but its actually a lot different.

Jethro was Moses father in Law. In Israel's history he was the first recorded management consultant. He came to Moses while he was leading the people in the desert and helped him set up a a delegated management hierarchy.

Serendipitously, the name Jethro in Hebrew, Yitro (as per Wikipedia also means Excellence. And thus our motto which had originally been a play on the word Excel from Microsoft Excel has a double meaning. If you like "Excellence is Excellence". We work extensively with Micros

Judith has now started offering cooking eCourses through her website,

Check them out!

Please be patient - site under redevelopment - an all improved service will be resumed shortly!

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What people say..

Learning the backdoor workings of website. Realising that my bad time management does not allow me to work "on" my business but only in it. Therefore I cant crunch the numbers.

Free Business Seminar Feedback Nov 2012

— Tony - Business Owner

